A downloadable Ogre

Things to note: This ruleset is used for the Ogre Merc. There is no shop while playing this expansion. Thus he kindly offers something for the party as they travel though the expansion. I know it states Bone weapons cannot be bought or sold, but i disagree with that rule. They are finely crafted weapons from afar, it would be rude to not purchase and pass on these wares to other Heroes in the realm. 

This includes: 1 Ogre Sheet. Story & Wares. 8 cards. 5 bone weapons sold by the Ogre Merc. 1 Artefact card upon beating the Ogre Lord. 2 equipment cards found within the expansion.

Thanks to members of the inn for the checks and clarifications to fix these up. 



Install instructions

Download zip, extract. Enjoy.

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